Reconnect with the Wild
Many modern humans have lost their connection to the natural world. This in turn has caused many of us to lose connection with who we are as humans. Wildness Within immersions are curated for the individual to help reconnect with both the wilderness around and the wildness within.
Grow as a Leader
Our wilderness-based rites of passage allow men to grow as leaders. During your time in the wild, you will learn how to make better decisions, implement a plan, strategize for success, and see your plan to fruition. Perhaps most importantly, you will learn the importance of accountability and empathy for leadership development.
Embodied Masculinity
Many men are disconnected from their bodies, from their purpose, and from themselves. Our rites of passage are designed to help men walk into their own masculinity, own it, and embody it so that they can show up with direction, purpose, clarity, connection, and love for the people in their lives and help create a healthier, more connected world.
Primal Essence
The wild lives not only in the remote alpine of the Sierra or the deepest jungles of the Amazon but also within each of our souls. Learning to listen and connect to the primal not only enlivens us to fulfill our purpose but connects us to ourselves, the world around us, and our community. It is time to remember who you are.
Are you ready to push yourself to the limits? Are you ready to stalk a black bear through the brush and come out on the other side a new man, a leader? Then join us for a bear rites of passage.
Rewilding Immersions are the core of Wildness Within. Here you will learn to listen to your inner animal, move with the wilderness by accessing your true essence, and fully step into the embodied person you were designed to be.
Do you want to learn how to read a river? Are you ready to test your will, patience, and perserverance? Then join us for a fishing rites of passage.
If you would like more information about our offerings, please set up an exploration call.